傳記文學季 — 回憶的印痕 — 美味關係


《美味關係》(英語:Julie & Julia)是一部劇情電影,由諾拉·艾芙蓉編劇及導演。影片將廚師茱莉亞·柴爾德廚藝生涯中的前段,與希望在一年內煮出柴爾德食譜共524道料理的茱莉·鮑爾的故事相排描述。
艾芙蓉的作品改編自兩本書:柴爾德與亞歷斯·普魯道姆(Alex Prud’homme)合著的的自傳《我在法國的歲月》(My Life in France)與茱莉·鮑威爾的回憶錄。2002年8月,鮑爾開始在網路上記錄她烹煮柴爾德的《掌握法式烹飪藝術》(Mastering the Art of French Cooking)中524道料理的日常生活經驗,並改寫到部落格上。「茱莉/茱莉亞計劃」匯集成書《美味關係》(Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen,2005,小布朗)。在平裝書時易名《美味關係:茱莉與茱莉亞》(Julie & Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously,2006)。兩本書並由艾芙蓉於2004至2006年間改寫出版。這部影片的最初構想是建構在部落格上。

『ジュリー&ジュリア』(Julie & Julia)は、2009年のアメリカ映画。1960年代に出版したフランス料理本で人気となった料理研究家ジュリア・チャイルド(Julia Child)と、その全レシピを1年で制覇しようとしてブログに書く現代のジュリー・パウエル。二人の実話を基にした作品。ジュリア・チャイルドを演じたメリル・ストリープがゴールデングローブ賞 主演女優賞(ミュージカル・コメディ部門)を受賞。


Julie & Julia is a 2009 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Nora Ephron starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, and Chris Messina. The film contrasts the life of chef Julia Child in the early years of her culinary career with the life of young New Yorker Julie Powell, who aspires to cook all 524 recipes in Child’s cookbook in 365 days, a challenge she described on her popular blog that made her a published author.

Ephron’s screenplay is adapted from two books: My Life in France, Child’s autobiography written with Alex Prud’homme, and a memoir by Powell, Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen (later retitled Julie & Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously). Both of these books were written and published in the same time frame (2004–06). Powell’s book was based on her blog The Julie/Julia Project, where she had started documenting online her daily experiences cooking each of the 524 recipes in Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The film is the first major motion picture based on a blog.

In March 2008, Ephron began filming with Streep as Child and Adams as Powell. On July 30, 2009, the film officially premiered at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York; and, on August 7, 2009, it opened throughout North America. It received positive reviews from critics, who praised Streep’s performance. Streep and Adams previously starred together in Doubt (2008). Streep and Tucci previously starred together in The Devil Wears Prada (2006).Julie & Julia was Ephron’s last film before her death in 2012.












